
The Advantages of Day Dreaming

When you are young ,you have many dreams and you sometimes dream at night and even daydream when you are free and relax. There are times when your dreams can come true while other times they remain unfulfilled.

For some , life is hard enough and daydreaming is the only avenue which they can escape from realism.We dream of success, of being rich and enjoying everything this world can offer us.

It maybe wishful thinking or useless or unproductive activity to some but taken as a whole , it has it's advantages. According to some experts , it is good for your health. When you daydream , you will be thinking of those positive events which can uplift your spirits .

You would dream of a brighter future and this would make you feel happier even though you have not attain that status yet. To have positive thoughts can relieve stress as your mind is taken off over those negative events which have afflicted your everyday life. Stress is bad for your health.

Daydreaming would also refocus your mind on your objective rather than what is happening around you.It would be easier to accept things around you as they are when you know those things are only temporary .

In daydreaming , there are no physical or mental barriers and you could wish anything or fantasize anything you like. There are two types of people , those who are only dreamers and those who work hard to make their dreams come true.

Everything in moderations is good but if taken into extremes can be bad. We should not overindulge in daydreaming or we will become disconnected and out of touch with reality. There should be a right place and time for daydreaming to get the benefits.

You do not want to start daydreaming while you are driving on the road or cooking a meal or while having sex. That would have disastrous consequences. Sometimes , it does happen that way when you lose control of your senses. It is just too good and your mind gets carried away.

When you get nervous or feel stressed it is a high time to start daydreaming, experts recommend. Dream all you want because it will not cost you anything

With today's rat race where everyone is rushing here and there, many do not have the luxury to dream.These people should get off the super highways and slow down to enjoy the simple way of life and live longer.

Like the song," Dream! Dream! Dream!……All you have to do is dream…….!

Reference and thanks to :-

http:// timesofindia.indiatimes.com/HealthSci/Day-dreaming_is_good_for_health/articleshow/3615250.cms

http:// health.infoniac.com/index.php?id=42&page=post

http:// www.sunnewsonline.com/webpages/features/goodhealth/2008/aug/05/goodhealth-05-08-2008-004.htm

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