
Natural Home remedies for the treatment of Dengue fever

Contributed by: Swati Singh (swati.bluefire.singh @ gmail.com)

Traditional natural home remedy for dengue fever - Normal dengue fever is not that dangerous. The symptom-based treatment should be resorted to i.e., wet pads could be used if the temperature is high. Antidotes could be administered as per the necessity. Pain-killers should not be given to the patient of hemorrhagic dengue. Pain-killers tend to increase hemorrhage. Maintaining the water balance of the body and controlling the blood pressure of the patient is also necessary.

How to get rid of dengue fever - Getting rid of dengue fever

Simple home remedy for dengue fever - Dhatura is the Ayurvedic version of the homeopathic the  belladonna. Its leaves have potency in reducing the seriousness of the dengue fevers. However, the dosage must not exceed 2 decigrams, or it will lead to severe negative symptoms like dryness of the mouth and dilation of the pupils.

Homemade recipes for dengue fever

Good home remedy for dengue fever - The orange juice helps with digestion, increased urinary output, promotes antibodies for faster healing  and recovery. It gives energy and vitamins, over all a great source for fighting fevers.

Effective home remedy for dengue fever - The raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. This will prevent dengue fever.

The affected person is treated with Paracetamol to bring down the fever.

Diet tips for Dengue fever

Porridge and baked toasts (not fried) can be had for allaying hungers in the course of the day. Biscuits with tea can be had. The tea must be herbal, with tulsi, ginger, cardamom and other such fever-reducing herbs in it.

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