
Characteristics of a Sound Personnel Policy

The main features of a good personnel policy are:

(i)                 The statement of any policy should be definite, positive, clear and easily understood by everyone in the organisatoin so that what it progress to achieve is evident.

(ii)               It should be written in order to preserve it against loss, to stimulate careful consideration before its, formulation and to prevent the promulgation of numerous, differing and temporary oral policies from multiple sources.

(iii)             It must be reasonably stable but not rigid, i.e., it should be periodically reviewed, evaluated, assessed and revised and shluld, there fore, be in tune with  the challenge of changes in the environment and should have a built-in resilience for adjustment from time to time.

(iv)             It must be supplementary to the over-all policy of an organisatoin, for if departmental policy is made such as to come into conflict and violate the company policy, it would be tantamount to insubordinations. Peter Drucker has observed: “The policies of an enterprise have to be balanced with the kind of reputation an enterprise wants to build up with special reference to the social and human needs, objectives and values.

(v)               It should indicate that the management knows that workers prefer to deal with the management on an individual basis.

(vi)             It should recognize the desire of many workers for recognition as groups in many of their relationships.

(vii)           It should be formulated with due regard for the interests of all the concerned parties – the employees and the public community.

(viii)         It should be the result of a careful analysis of all the available.

(ix)             It must provide a two-way communication system between the management and the employees that the latter are kept informed of the latest developments in the organisatoin and the employers are aware of the actions and reactions of the employees on particular issues.

(x)               It should be consistent with public policy, i.e., with the spirit rather than the letter of the law, so that the intentions and settled course of an organisation are appreciated in terms of public opinion from the standpoint of national, economic and social justice for the employees and for the community at large.

(xi)             If should be generally known to al interested parties.

(xii)           It must have not only the support of the management but to the co-operation of employees at the ship floor level and in the office.

(xiii)         Before evolving such a policy, trade unions should be consulted. In matters of industrial relations; and the role of trade unions should be restricted only to this areas.

(xiv)         It should be progressive and enlightened, and must be consistent with professional practice and philosophy.

(xv)           It must make a measurable impact, which can be evaluated and qualified for the guidance of all concerned, especially in the field of the three R’s of personnel management viz., recruitment, retainment, and retirement.

(xvi)         It should be uniform throughout the organisatoin, though, in the light of local conditions, slight variations may be permitted in specific policies relation to staffing, compensation, benefits and services.

(xvii)       It should have a sound base in appropriate theory and should be translate into practices, terms and peculiarities of every department of an enterprise.

(xviii)     Except in rare cases, policies should not prescribe detailed procedures.

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