
Placement and Induction

After an offer of employment the first stage in procurement function is placement of the individual on the new job and orienting him to the organisation.

“Placement” may be defined as the determination of the job to which an accepted candidate is to be assigned, and his assignment to that job. It is a matching of what the supervisor as reason to think he can do with a job demands, it is a matching of what he imposes and what he offers in the form of pay roll, companionship with others, promotional possibilities etc. A proper placement of a worker will have impact on:

-          Reduces employee turnover

-          Absenteeism

-          Accident rates

-          Improves morale

After selection, the employees will be generally put on a probation period, which may range from one to two years, then after his employment may be regularized, provided that during this period his work been found to be satisfactory.




Induction is a technique by which a new employee is rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and introduced to the practices, policies and purpose of the organisation.


  • To avoid the insecure feeling of a new comer joins in organisation.
  • To develop a strong feeling about the work place and work environment.
  • To develop defensive behaviour
  • To develop courageous
  • To make them a self confident person
  • It helps to minimize the reality shock

The importance of induction expected by the new comer may be as followed

  1. Opportunities for advancement.
  2. Social status and prestige – reorganization by others.
  3. Responsibility.
  4. Opportunities to use special aptitudes and educational background.
  5. Challenge and adventure.
  6. Opportunity to be creative and original
  7. Lucrative Salary


Any organization has an obligation to make integration of the individual into the organization as smooth and anxiety – free as possible. This can be achieved through a formal or informal placement orientation programme depends on the size of the organisatoin and the complexity of the individuals new environment.

There is no model induction procedure but each industry develop their own procedures as per its needs. The procedure should basically follow theses steps:

(i)     The new person needs time and a place to report to work.

(ii)   It is very important that the supervisor should welcome the employee to the organization.

(iii) The administrative work like vacations, probationary period, medical absences, suggestion system should be covered.

(iv) Department orientation like get-acquainted talk, introduction to the department, departmental functional explanations and job instructions should be informed.

(v)   Verbal explanations must be supplemented by variety of printed materials, employees hand books, manuals, flyers, house journals, picture stories, comics, and cartoons, pamphlets, etc.

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