
Job Analysis

Developing an organisation structure results in jobs when have to be staffed. “Work” is an organisatoin primary function. The ‘basic work activities’ may relate to three categories – Data, People and Things. Under data are included synthesizing, coordinating, analyzing, compiling, computing, copying and comparing activities. People relate to monitoring, negotiating, instructing, supervising, diverting, persuading, speaking, signaling, serving and taking instructions. Things are concerned with setting up, precision working, operating-controlling, driving – operating, manipulating, feeding-off bearing and handling.


            A comprehensive JA programmes is an essential ingredient of sound personnel management. It is the major input to forecasting future human resource requirements, job modifications, job evaluation, determination of proper compensation, an d the writing of job descriptions. It is of fundamental importance to manpower management programmes because of the wider applicability of its results. The information provided by JA is useful, if not essential, in almost every phase of employee relations.

i.                    Organisation and Manpower Planning: It is helpful in organizational planning, for it defined labour needs in concrete terms and co ordinates the activities of the work force, and clearly divides duties and responsibilities.

ii.                  Recruitment, Selection: By indicating the specific requirements of each job (i.e., the skills and knowledge), it provides a realistic basic for the hiring, training, placement, transfer and promotion of personnel ‘Basically, the goals is to match the job requirements with a worker’s aptitude, abilities and interests. It also helps in charting the channels of promotion and in showing lateral lines of transfer.”

iii.                Wage and Salary Administration: By indicating the qualifications required for doing a specified job and the risks and hazards involved in its performance, it helps in salary and wage administration. Job analysis is used as a foundation for job evaluation.

iv.                Job Re-engineering: Job analysis provides information which enables us to change jobs in order to permit their being manner by personnel with specific characteristics and qualifications. This takes two forms:

(a) Industrial engineering activity, which is concerned with operational analysis, motion study, work simplification methods and improvements in the place of work and its measurement, and aims at improving efficiency, reducing unit labour costs, and establishing the production standard which the employee is expected to meet; and

(b) Human engineering activity, which takes  into consideration human capabilities, both physical and psychological, and prepares the ground for complex operations of industrial administration, increased  efficiency and better productivity.

v.                  Employee Training and Management Development: Job analysis provides the necessary information to the management of training and development programmes. It helps it to determine the content and subject matter of in-training courses. It also helps in checking application information, interviewing, weighing test results, and in checking references.

vi.                Performance Appraisal: It helps in establishing clear-cut standards which may be compared with the actual contribution of each individual.

vii.              Health and Safety: It provides an opportunity for identifying hazardous conditions and unhealthy environmental factors so that corrective measures may be taken to minimize and avoid the possibility of accidents.


A job analysis provides the following information:

(i)                 Job identification: Its title, including its code number;

(ii)               Significant characteristics of a job: Its location, physical setting, supervision, union jurisdiction, hazards and discomforts:

(iii)             What the typical works does: Specific operations and tasks that make up an assignment, their relative timing and importance, their simplicity, routine or complexity, the responsibility or safety of other for property, funds, confidence and trust;

(iv)             Which materials, and equipment a works uses: Metals, plastics, grains, yarns, feedings, removing, drilling, driving, setting up and many others.

(v)               How a job is performed. Nature of operation – lifting, handling, cleaning, washing, feeding, removing, drilling, driving, setting up and many others.

(vi)          Required personnel attributes: Experience, training, apprenticeship, physical strength, co-ordination or dexterity, physical demands, mental capabilities,   aptitudes, social skills;

(vii)           Job relationship Experience required, opportunities for advancement, patterns of promotions, essential co-operation, directions, or leadership from and for a job.






Job Analysis

(A Process for Obtaining All Pertinent Job Facts)

Job Description

Job Specification

Statement containing items such as:

A statements of the human requirements for doing a job

(a)          Job Identification (job title, location, occupational code, alternative name in use, name of division, department and unit where it exists)

(a)          Physical make-up or Characteristics

(b)         Job Summary (gives a quick capsule explanation of the contents of a job, its hazards and discomforts)

(b)          Psychological characteristics.

(c)          Duties performed (says the what, how and why of a job; also describes and worker’s responsibilities in regard to custody of money, supervision of other workers, training of subordinates, etc.)

(c)          Personal characteristics.


(d)         Relation to other jobs (gives how many persons may be supervised).

(d)          Responsibilities.

(e)          Supervision given/taken (helps in locating a job in the job hierarchy).

(e)          Other factors of a demographic nature

(f)          Machines, tools, equipment (what type of tools/equipment material is used).


(g)          Materials and forms used


(h)         Conditions of work


(i)           Hazards (accident hazards)




There are basic steps required for doing a job analysis, viz.,

Step 1: Collection of Background Information

Step 2: Selection of Representative Position to be Analyzed

Step 3: Collection of Job Analysis Data

Step 4: Developing A Job Description

Step 5: Developing Job Specification


            The determination of job tasks, the concomitant skills and abilities necessary for successful performance, and the responsibilities inherent in the job can be obtained through such methods or approaches as the following:

(i)     Personal observation;

(ii)   Sending out questionnaires;

(iii) Maintenance of log records; and

(iv) Conducting personal interviews.

(i) Personal observation: The materials and equipment used, the working conditions and probable hazards, and an understanding of what the work involves are the facts which should be known by an analyst. Direct observation is especially useful in job that consist primarily of observable physical ability, like the jobs of draftsman, mechanic, spinner or weaver.

(ii) Sending out Questionnaire : The method is usually employed by engineering consultants. Properly drafted questionnaires are sent out to job-holders for completion and are returned to supervisors. However, the information received is often unorganized and incoherent. Then idea in issuing questionnaires is to elicit the necessary information from job – holders so that any error may first be discussed with the employee and, after due corrections, may be submitted to the job analyst.

(iii) Maintenance of Log Records: The employee maintains a daily diary record of duties he performs, marking the time at which each task is started and finished – But this system is incomplete, for it does not give us any desirable data on supervisor relationship the equipment used, and working conditions. Moreover, it is time-consuming.

(iv) Personal interviews: may be held by the analyst with the employees, and answers to relevant questions may be recorded. But the method is time-consuming and costly.

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