
The View from the Center of the Universe

Cosmology-- the study of the #universe as a whole-- is in the midst of a scientific revolution, and what is emerging is humanity's first understanding of the universe that might actually be true. The View from the Center of the Universe presents new ways of wrapping our minds around the universe, and does so without math or jargon, so that we can all take part in this extraordinary revolution. The book helps launch what will be a great cultural task: developing language and imagery that we can all use to grasp our universe viscerally, to talk about it accurately, and to appreciate what a new universe may mean for our personal lives and for our planet.

The View from the Center of the Universe from Cody's Books on FORA.tv

Understanding the Brain

How billions of interconnected cells in the brain can interpret and regulate all our bodily functions as well as mediate our experiences of interactions with and responses to the world around us is a huge and fascinating question that many different disciplines have attempted to tackle.

This lecture will consider what we have learned so far about the principles of neural encoding and how they may begin to explain our memories, emotions and conscious awareness

Understanding the Brain: A Work in Progress from Gresham College on FORA.tv

The unsolved Mysteries of the Universe

There are many things that we do not understand about our #Universe. This lecture will discuss some of the most perplexing of these and survey the instruments that are now being built and planned to help us fathom its mysteries.

Ian Morison: Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe from Gresham College on FORA.tv

Wellbeing through Willpower

One of the world’s most esteemed psychologists, Roy F Baumeister explains why willpower and self-control is one of the most #important aspects of individual and societal wellbeing.

Roy F. Baumeister: Willpower from The RSA on FORA.tv

Duality, Nonduality, and the Deepest Acceptance of Life

Jeff Foster graduated in Astrophysics from Cambridge University in 2001. Several years after graduation, following a period of severe depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of "spiritual enlightenment", and embarked on an intensive spiritual search which lasted for several years. The spiritual search came to an absolute end with the clear seeing that there is only ever Oneness. In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: spontaneous, clear, joyful and fully alive, and Jeff began to write and talk about "nonduality" (which he often calls "the utterly, utterly obvious"). He holds meetings and retreats in the UK and Europe, clearly and directly pointing to the frustrations surrounding the spiritual search, to the nature of mind, and to the Clarity at the heart of everything. His uncompromising approach, full of humor and compassion, shatters the mind's hopes for a future awakening, revealing the awakening that is always already present, right in the midst of life. 

Duality, Nonduality, and the Deepest Acceptance of Life from Science and Nonduality on FORA.tv

Underlying Principles in Quantum Theory and Metaphysics

Physicist, Founding Dean, Schmid College of Science, Vice Chancellor for Special Projects

There are compelling reasons to pursue a new, integrative science. The approach that will be discussed in detail is to look for common, underlying principles, which apply at all realms of reality. There are a number of observational and theoretical reasons in support of the view that fundamental principles such as non-locality and complementarity may be underlying both the physical and the mental worlds. We first discuss evidence from quantum experiments that reveal spatial and temporal non-localities as well as from the cosmological realm. A new scaling for physical parameters in the universe is proposed which reveals surprising results about the nature of time. This allows us to develop an axiomatic approach towards the linkage between microscopic and macroscopic quantities.

These developments make it plausible that fundamental principles cut across different fields of natural sciences and can be considered to hold universal validity. It is likely that quantum-like effects may be pervasive at all scales in the universe. If true, these principles apply to other fields such as brain dynamics and open new ways of study. In the same way, one can search for analogous universal principles that hold in realms beyond the physical. If consciousness is the foundational substratum of the universe, principles developed in perennial philosophical systems, or metaphysics, should be even more universally applicable and cut across all levels of the cosmos, “internal” (e.g. individual mental and psychic, etc.) as well as “external” (e.g. collective unconscious, physical, etc). We sketch here a possible new prescription for a unified “science”, what I term integrative science that will encompass ordinary natural science and will extend it to new realms. The prescription will be discussed in detail. It also involves taking the statements of philosophical traditions quite seriously.

SAND 2011 is a journey and exploration of the nature of awareness from the perspective of modern science, ancient traditions, philosophy, phenomenology, psychology and direct experience. Hear presentations of world-renowned quantum physicists, scientists, lecturers and authors like John Hagelin, Stanislav Grof, Lynne McTaggart, Fred Alan Wolf, Menas Kafatos, Gangaji, Rupert Spira, David Peat, Dean Radin, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Jeff Foster and many more, over this four-day conference.

The theme which we will be exploring this year is Time. What is time and does it really exist? Linear, nonlinear time, eternal now, infinity… SAND 2011 will be an exploration of the concept and paradox of time from the perspective of modern science, ancient traditions, philosophy, phenomenology, psychology and of course direct experience.

Underlying Principles in Quantum Theory and Metaphysics from Science and Nonduality on FORA.tv

The 4 Hour Everything

Tim Ferriss, author The 4-Hour Workweek and The 4-Hour Body, discusses how he tracks his life's data in the 4-hour everything

4-Hour Everything: How Tim Ferriss Tracks His Life's Data from WIRED on FORA.tv

How #tech will change the way we work

Milton Chen and Andrew McAfee discuss how Business 2.0 and emerging technology will change the way we work.  

Business 2.0: How Tech Will Change the Way We Work from The Atlantic on FORA.tv

#Unique Perspectives from Unique People

The #UP Experience - Unique Perspectives from Unique People - is an engaging and intellectually stimulating event that brings together 16 of the world's most extraordinary thought leaders, creators, and innovators for one exceptional day. These are the people behind the technologies, the trends, the ideas, and the global movements that shape our existence. The only event of its kind in Houston, UP is a learning opportunity, a creative conference, a think tank, and an entertainment event all in one. During 20-minute onstage presentations, each of our 16 guests discusses his or her work, passion, and ideas for the future; offstage, attendees experience up close and personal Q&A sessions. Designed for both personal and professional application, UP is an infusion of exceptional people, exceptional thinking and exceptional advances.

The UP Experience: Dr. David Eagleman, Neuroscientist from The UP Experience on FORA.tv

The Software of Life

Renowned biologist J. Craig Venter speaks about the man's quest for mastering the genome, the software of life.  

J. Craig Venter: The Software of Life from Hindustan Times on FORA.tv

NASA Paints Compelling Picture of Earth's Aerosols

Using satellite data collected over eight months, NASA scientists have created a compelling timelapse view of the dust, smoke and sea salt that continually swirl around the earth.  

The Future Electric Car May Be One Big Battery

Swedish researchers believe the problem of battery efficiency in electric cars can be solved by turning the car's entire frame into one, big battery. They say their solution would remove the drag created by today's heavy batteries, vastly increas...

Powerful Camera Seeks Snapshots of Dark Energy

The most powerful sky-mapping instrument ever built is about to embark on a far-reaching survey of deepest space to find evidence of the theoretical force called Dark Energy.

A Habitable Super-Earth?

The #Countdown is a biweekly video show highlighting the best stuff happening in space, astronomy and physics. In this episode: The Real Planet #Krypton, Sandy by Satellite, Smartphone Tricorder, Printing Rockets and a Habitable Super-Earth.

World's Biggest Telescope to Seek Origins of the Universe

Scientists in Chile are eagerly awaiting the opening of the world's most sophisticated telescope next year, which they say will reveal answers to many questions about the origins of the universe. 

A broken body isn’t a broken person

Cross-country skier Janine Shepherd hoped for an Olympic medal -- until she was hit by a truck during a training bike ride. She shares a powerful story about the human potential for recovery. Her message: you are not your body, and giving up old dreams can allow new ones to soar.

Must See Video : #Curiosity: A Beautiful Tribute

When "Curiosity" landed on the Red Planet, our Blue Planet exploded in joy. Here is a tribute to that experience. 

Must See HD Video: SpaceX Launches to ISS

When SpaceX launched their Dragon capsule to the International Space Station, they had cameras rolling in full HD beauty.

MRI Images Show Unique Slice of Twins' Life

You might expect twins to share the womb happily during their mother's pregnancy, but striking new MRI images show fetal life isn't quite so harmonious.

Lagos Schoolgirls Harness Urine Power

A group of enterprising Nigerian teenagers have developed a generator powered by urine to counter the country's chronic shortage of reliable electricity.

Sky Caves of Nepal : Part 2

National Geographic grantee and archaeologist Mark Aldenderfer reveals the treasures waiting to be discovered within the sky caves of Nepal—stunning murals, deteriorating manuscripts, and ancient artifacts—in the second of this three-part series.

Sky Caves of Nepal, Part 2: The Scientist from National Geographic Live on FORA.tv

Sky Caves of Nepal : Part 1

Legendary climber Peter Athans joins a team of explorers to unearth the hidden relics of Nepal's ancient and remote caves, in the first of this three-part series. 

Sky Caves of Nepal, Part 1: The Climber from National Geographic Live on FORA.tv

Startling Discoveries of the Moon

Carolin Crawford: Startling Discoveries of the Moon from Gresham College on FORA.tv

Practical Wisdom in a crazy society

Barry Schwartz makes a passionate call for "practical wisdom" as an antidote to a society gone mad with bureaucracy. He argues powerfully that rules often fail us, incentives often backfire, and practical, everyday wisdom will help rebuild our world.  Barry Schwartz studies the link between economics and psychology, offering startling insights into modern life. Lately, working with Ken Sharpe, he's studying wisdom. 

Open-source Economics: A new era has dawned

Yochai Benkler explains how collaborative projects like Wikipedia and Linux represent the next stage of human organization.  Yochai Benkler has been called "the leading intellectual of the information age." He proposes that volunteer-based projects such as Wikipedia and Linux are the next stage of human organization and economic production. 

The Innovative Common Man

Charles Leadbeater weaves a tight argument that innovation isn't just for professionals anymore. Passionate amateurs, using new tools, are creating products and paradigms that companies can't.

ZipCars and BuzzCars

Robin Chase founded Zipcar, the world’s biggest car-sharing business. That was one of her smaller ideas. Here she travels much farther, contemplating road-pricing schemes that will shake up our driving habits and a mesh network vast as the Interstate.

With Zipcar, Robin Chase introduced car-crazy America to the concept of non-ownership. Now she's flipping that model with Buzzcar, which lets you rent your own auto to your neighbors.

How to SOLVE traffic jams

Our Viral Future

Popular science writer and blogger Carl Zimmer surveys the history of the virus, predicts its future and comments on its implications.

Author Carl Zimmer: Our Viral Future from Singularity Institute on FORA.tv

The Emerging Mind

Renowned academic, author, and director of the Mindsight Institute Dan Siegel, visits the RSA to reveal an extremely rare thing - a working definition of the mind.

Dan Siegel: The Emerging Mind from The RSA on FORA.tv

The Race for Space

Burt Rutan: Innovation and the Race for Space from The UP Experience on FORA.tv

Confronting Cancer : A panel discussion with Yuvraj Singh

Confronting Cancer: A Fight We Can Win from Hindustan Times on FORA.tv

The Software of Life

J. Craig Venter: The Software of Life from Hindustan Times on FORA.tv

Quantum Levitation

Dr. Boaz Almog: Quantum Levitation from The UP Experience on FORA.tv

Izmir, Turkey

Nassau, Bahamas

Vienna, Austria

Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku Azerbaijan

Yerevan, Armenia : Slideshow

Sydney, Australia


Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India

Indian Mountains : Slideshow

World Mountain Peaks : Slideshow

Just Bees : Slideshow

New Wildlife Photos



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