
Relaxed Determination

Just imagine all the great things you could do if your were calm, peaceful,

and relaxed while at the same time being highly determined and persistent.


Though we often think of determination as stressful, anxious,

hard-edged and even painful, it does not have to be.

In fact, calm determination is every bit as effective as frenzied determination

 in most cases even more effective. And it is a whole lot more enjoyable.


With calm determination you don't get drawn into a lot of useless battles.

With calm determination you don't waste time and energy falling to pieces after every setback.


With calm determination you simply pick yourself up and get moving again, steadily

toward the goal you have chosen. You'd don't have to be witty or clever,you don't

have to have the right connections, you just have to keep going, and anyone can do that.


There's no need to give up your serenity for the sake of determination,

or to give up your ambitions for the sake of serenity. The most powerful,

effective determination is calm, peaceful, relaxed determination, for it is

also the most genuinely confident kind of determination.


When you're following a purpose that you know is yours, enjoy the journey

and bring power to your efforts. See the big picture, move ahead with calm,

relaxed determination, and you'll find it to be an irresistible force.

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