
Coffee Versus Tea:

Contributed by: Nanci Baren (http:// health.groups.yahoo.com/group/arubyrogers/)

Many people just can't function without either their morning cup of coffee or tea. We are all busy, and a lot of us are overloaded with work. Managing a family and at the same time juggling a packed schedule can prove to be a daunting task. Under such circumstances, a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea is the best thing to keep you going.

Yet the caffeine in both tea and coffee makes many believe that these drinks are unhealthy. But what many people don't realize is that caffeine, that magical element in coffee that shakes you up and wakes you up, is present in its sister beverage, tea. In addition to that jolt of caffeine, both coffee and tea can provide a boost to the immune system and helping to fight disease. Here's a quick look at a few of the health benefits coffee and tea have to offer.


Both caffeinated and decaf coffee contain antioxidants and other substances that may help regulate blood sugar, possibly leading to a reduced risk of diabetes, according to some studies. There's also evidence that coffee can help manage headaches, boost mood, and even prevent cavities.


Some studies suggest that habitual tea drinkers' enjoy a reduced risk of developing some forms of cancer risk, stemming from tea's high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect the cells from free radical damage and work to prevent and fight diseases. Tea is also believed to protect the heart by relaxing blood vessels, inhibiting clots, and reducing cholesterol levels.

Too Much of a Good Drink?

Of course moderation in anyone's diet is the key to better health. So how many cups are too much? This seems to still be out for consensus, however, some studies and research have revealed that drinking more than three cups of coffee a day could increase heart problems.

Consuming too much caffeine can also speed bone loss, and it might reduce birth weight and raise the risk of miscarriage.

So enjoy your cup of favorite tea or coffee but do so in moderation!

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