

by Bernard Howe


Youthful innocents, imagination at its peak,

thrills of excitement is what they come to seek.

A stirring noise, or the rustle of some leaves,

chilling mysteries is what it all perceives.


Fright, goose bumps, and chills all up our spine,

we're not always sure that everything is fine.

Everything we heard of, seems to come so near,

raising up our heart rate, from what we come to fear.


Our imagination, can give us quite a thrill

lack of common sense, will give us a bigger chill.

Not knowing if its true or not, the stories we all read,

makes our minds go wild, deep from within our head.


Human nature, has a lust for the unknown,

some of our biggest fears, are when were all alone.

And when we can conjure, one of our big chills,

we always laugh and say, we sure do love them thrills

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