
Be You

Contributed by: Asian Woman (i_asianwoman @ yahoo.com)

You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You Are here to be you, not to live someone else's life. Every day you make some progress and every day. You make a few mistakes. Through it all, your Wisdom continues to grow and your experience continues to broaden.

Be gentle with yourself. Accept who you are, Where you have been, and what you have to work With, for in this moment you can make positive use of it all.

Reach in and touch the purpose that makes you feel most alive. The world around you is filled with places where that purpose can do great things.

It is never too late to offer your unique and genuine gifts to life. Now is the time to do great things, even in the smallest of ways.

Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself.

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