

Contributed by Nanci Baren (nancibaren @ yahoo.com) Source: Unknown

Stop tension by straightening up! When we are stressed we tend to slump over. But that can increase muscle tension, tiring aches and fatigue. So when you are under the gun do a quick posture check: Shoulders level? Head straight not titled to the side, jutting forward or pulled back? Chin parallel to the floor? Hips are level and not sloped to one side? Knees straight and not turned in or out? After a few simple adjustments you will be amazed at how much better you feel.

Free your mind to release stress! Can't stop worrying about all the things you should do? Close your eyes and picture yourself up in a balloon filling it with those troublesome thoughts and then letting the balloon float free. Imagine it drifting up and away taking your anxiety with it! Sounds silly? Try it. It works.   

Clear your head with a houseplant! Not only are they lovely to look at but houseplants including the spider plants and Boston fern boost oxygen levels which in turn help your brain work at top efficiency even when you are swamped

Relax your jaw for 10 seconds flat! Stress often settles in the jaw making you clench your teeth and preventing you from even wanting to smile! Relieve it fast by placing your fingertips on your jaw right in front of your ears and clenching your teeth while you inhale through your nose. Hold your breath for 5 seconds then slowly exhale through your mouth unclenching your teeth as you breathe out. Ahhh!

It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful but what you have in your heart.

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