
Heel or Bone Spur

Courtesy: Nanci Baren (http:// health.groups.yahoo.com/group/arubyrogers/)

A bone spur is a pointed growth on a bone, most commonly in the heel. Extreme stress and strain on the heel bone and soft tissues are the main causes of heel spurs. The stress results in inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament on the bottom of the foot that attaches the ball of the foot to the heel bone, This condition is known as plantar fasciitis. If it is not relieved, the repeated pulling of the ligament aggravates the heel bone and eventually the body, in an attempt to protect itself, forms a bone spur. The most common sign of a bone spur is severe pain with the first step in the morn- and after periods of inactivity.

Bone spurs can be caused by, or be associated with, physical injury, obesity, gout, lupus, muscle inflammation, nerve problems (such as tarsal tunnel syndrome), strain of the plantar arch, or excessive exercise, standing, or walking. Heel spurs are also common in people who have alkalosis, arthritis, neuritis, or tendinitis. A bone spur may be caused by calcium deposits in unwanted areas of the body. Most people who have heel disorders are middle-aged or overweight. Shoes that are uncomfortable, fit poorly, or lack cushioning for the heel may contribute to the pain.

X-rays may reveal a bony spur within the heel. The presence of this may lead to the formation of tiny turnors at the end of several nerves, and these may be very painful.


Very Important

Betaine hydro-chloride (HCI) A deficiency of HCl is more common in elderly  people.   Take as directed on label.     Needed for proper calcium up take. Caution: Do not use HCl if you have a history of ulcers.

Calcium 1,500 mg daily.

Magnesium 750 mg daily.

A proper balance of calcium and magnesium helps prevent abnormal calcium deposition. Use chelate or aspartate forms


Proteolytic enzymes.  As directed on label. To aid in absorption of nutrients and in control of inflammation and irritation.

Or Inflazyme Forte from American Biologics. Take as directed on label

 Caution: Do not give these supplements to a child.

Intenzyme Forte from Biotics Research. Take as directed on label

Vitamin C  with bioflavonoids  Take 2,000-4,000 m daily. Acts as an anti-inflammatory; important for collagen and connective tissue.



Bioflavonoids 100 mg daily. Vitamin C activators that also help relieve pain.


Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)  Take as directed on label.  Very effective for pain relief.   It  can be applied as a cream or taken by mouth in the pill form.

Vitamin B complex 50-100 mg of each major B vitamin daily. (amounts of individual vitamins in a complex will vary).

 B vitamins work best when taken together.  plus extra  vitamin B6 (50 mg daily.) Necessary for production of (pyridoxine) hydrochloric acid, which helps prevent bone spurs by aiding proper calcium absorption.


# Use arnica and chamomile to bathe the foot. You can also wrap the herbs in a cloth and apply it to the affected area as a poultice. (See USING A POULTICE in Part Three.)

# Bromelain, derived from pineapple, and curcumin, from turmeric, reduce pain and inflammation.


# Drink steam-distilled water only.

# Do not eat any citrus fruits, especially oranges. Eliminate alcohol, coffee, and sugar from your diet. These inhibit the healing process and upset the body's mineral balance

# To alleviate pain, try stretching exercises; deep, localized massage; physical therapy; and anti-inflammatory herbs. You can also use hot linseed oil packs. Place linseed oil in a pan and heat but do not boil it. Dip a piece of cheesecloth or other white cotton material into the oil until the cloth is saturated. Apply the cloth to the affected area and cover it with a piece of plastic that is larger in size than the cotton cloth. Place a heating pad over the plastic and use it to keep the pack warm. Keep the pack in place for one-half to two hours, as needed.

# Ice massages on the bottoms of the feet can be helpful. Alternate between hot and cold foot baths.

Select well-made, rubber-heeled shoes; these are better the feet than leather. Choose footwear for comfort-not looks. Some jogging shoes can be very comfortable. .Adding heel cushions to footwear helps to relieve pain.

Use night splints to provide a mild, constant stretching function across the sole of the foot at night while sleeping.

If you normally walk or jog for exercise, try bicycling or swimming instead.

Avoid walking on hard surfaces such as concrete, or hard floors without carpeting.


A two-week raw food fast or a cleansing fast can be beneficial

It is best not to have a heel spur surgically removed unless it extremely irritating or painful.

Steroid injections have been the used to treat this condition. They are are not without potential complications, however.

They may cause loss of the fatty tissue pad at the bottom of the heel and bring about a condition that is painful and irreversible.

Foot surgery is a last-resort option that is usually reserved for extremely rare, severe cases. An incision is made over the heel to release the attached fascia from the heel bone. Recovery time is approximately six to ten weeks before walking  can be resumed comfortably.

"A proper balance of calcium and magnesium helps prevent abnormal calcium deposition."

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