
#Winning #Recipes for #Athletes

Does the food we eat alter our performance in competition? What are the winning recipes that will bring athletic success? To conclude the first chapter of our Sports & Technology series, we examine how we fuel our bodies to be at the top of our game. Powerade was the official drink of the 2012 Olympics in London. And Kellogg's advertised the benefits of the breakfast all over NBC during the games. Clearly, food and beverage corporations are eager to convince us that their products will improve how we perform on the pitch or on the track.  But are sports drinks really better for you than water? What impact do the meals we eat before a competition have on our results? Should we consume protein shakes after a workout to build muscle? Researchers and athletes alike are taking a hard look at nutrition to separate the substance from the hype in fueling for optimum performance. Join us at swissnex San Francisco to discuss these issues with our panel of experts, including Keith Baar, assistant professor of neurobiology, physiology, and behavior at the UC Davis School of Medicine, Stacy Sims, PhD in exercise physiology and nutrition sciences and Chief Research Officer at OsmoNutrition, Nanna Meyer, professor at the University of Colorado and director of the Sport Nutrition Graduate Program and Christian Belz, marathoner and Swiss record-holder in the 10,000 meters.

Sports and Nutrition: Winning Recipes for Athletes from swissnex San Francisco on FORA.tv

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