
The Failed Paradigm of Tooth Brushing - Enter: Oil Pulling + Flossing

Contributed by: Nanci Baren (nancibaren @ yahoo.com)

Tooth brushing is a failure.  People around the world today brush their teeth like mad and show no good results.  After more than 100 years of tooth brushing and advances in tooth brush and tooth paste technology, cavities are more prevalent than ever.  Filling cavities and doing root canals is the bread and butter of dentists.  Tooth brushing does not work.  Tooth brushing does not prevent cavities.  The whole tooth brush and tooth paste paradigm is a sham, an exposed failure.

The failed paradigm of Tooth Brushing

Tooth brushing is a failure.  People around the world today brush their teeth like mad and show no good results.  After more than 100 years of tooth brushing and advances in tooth brush and tooth paste technology, cavities are more prevalent than ever.  Filling cavities and doing root canals is the bread and butter of dentists.  Tooth brushing does not work.  Tooth brushing does not prevent cavities.  The whole tooth brush and tooth paste paradigm is a sham, an exposed failure.

Yes, I have given up on tooth brushing.  I have substituted oil pulling + flossing and wiping my teeth and have been getting better results.  No more bleeding gums, which always pissed me off.  It's not because I'm sickly that my gums bleed when I brush the "wrong" way, it's because my teeth and gums are not meant to be scrubbed by plastic bristles twice a day.

Tooth paste?  More poison to the failed tooth brush paradigm.  Most commercial tooth paste has fluoride because the gullible public thinks fluoride prevents cavities.  This is plainly an unsubstantiated myth.  Fluoride is a poison and billions of people are poisoning themselves every single day.  One of the first protocols I do with pollution avoidance in my healing charity is to tell the sick to stop brushing his teeth and instead do oil pulling!

The tribes Weston Price studied had very strong teeth, 1% to 3% cavity rate for the entire tribe young and old.  These tribes did not subscribe to a culture of tooth brushing.  These tribes subscribed to a culture of nutrition, of lots of raw and partially cooked animal foods, special animal foods, animal fats, carefully prepared starches, fruits and some vegetation.

Oil pulling is a superior method to clean teeth.  If everyone knew how to do oil pulling, the world would be a better place, and there would be less disease overall because oil pulling is a form of daily oral detox and fat supplementation.  There will be a rapid decline in dental care business.  There will be fewer dental cases.  The tooth brush and toothpaste industry needs to collapse into a heap of nothingness.

Oil pulling is potent oral detoxing.  Oil pulling plus flossing is a far superior method of cleaning teeth than tooth brushing.  Especially for those with braces.

How to do "Oil Pulling"

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that's becoming very popular recently for dental and gum health. Actually, all mouth-related problems may benefit from this simple procedure, and many people find that they notice all kinds of other benefits they didn't expect.


Unrefined, cold-pressed sesame or sunflower oil (sunflower has less taste, but some people like the taste of sesame), or virgin coconut oil

Unrefined salt like Real Salt, Celtic Salt or Himalayan Crystal salt

Unscented pure vegetable oil soap (without added glycerin) like Dr. Bronner's liquid soap (peppermint is good) or a pure olive oil bar soap. "Tooth Soap" is great, but I think unnecessarily expensive, a matter of personal choice.

First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon of oil in the mouth, and swish and pull it through the teeth gently, not vigorously, in a comfortable way, for 10-15 minutes.

If you have the urge to swallow, take a deep breath (through the nose!) and that sometimes stops the urge. If you really need to swallow, go ahead and swallow just from the back of the throat, keeping the oil in the front of your mouth.

If it becomes too unpleasant, spit out and try again another day. It can be unpleasant at first when you're not used to it, but soon won't be bothersome at all, just like brushing your teeth.

When the oil has become saturated with the toxins it has pulled out, it will become white and a milky consistency. You don't want to spit out until the oil has become white. Each time you oil pull, it can take a different amount of time to get to that point, so 15 minutes is a general rule of thumb, but you can experiment with this.

Best to spit out into the toilet, since the oil can eventually clog up the sink. Then immediately rinse the mouth with warm salt water. Salt water rinsing isn't absolutely necessary, but is very helpful.

Then brush teeth very thoroughly with the olive oil soap. If using bar soap, swipe the brush across the bar (then rinse the bar to keep it clean). Brushing with soap isn't bad at all - toothpaste foams up in the mouth even more than a little soap does, so we're really used to the foaming feeling. (Do NOT use toothpaste!)

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