
A to Z of Beauty Fixes at Home

A – Aloe vera is the perfect cooling remedy for a sun-burnt skin. All you have to do is pluck a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its gel. Apply it to the sun-burnt area and rinse it off after it dries. Repeat the procedure for some days.

B – Besan is the hindi equivalent for chickpea flour. If the fallout of a sunny day at the beach is an unwanted tan, fret not! All you have to do is mix besan, a few drops of lemon juice and curds. Apply it to your face and other tanned parts of your body. Leave it on till it dries and rinse of with cool water. Repeat this procedure for 10 days.

C – Here's a quick glow tip, especially if you want your make-up to remain fresh.  Extract the juice of a small piece of cucumber, add few drops of lemon juice to this. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. Apply on your face in a gentle circular motion and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. Now you can apply your make-up.

D - You need to take extra care of your tresses during summer as it's a time when you sweat a lot and your hair's likely to get dry and rough. Powder dried amla and mix it with warm coconut oil and a few drops of lime juice. Apply this to your hair. Leave it for an hour. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. Regular use will give you shiny and healthy tresses.

E – Is summer making your skin ooze oil? Mix together egg white, honey and a few drop of lime juice. Apply it to your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse well with cold water.

F -  All fresh fruits can be mashed well and applied directly on the skin. It will give your skin a fresh glow.

G – Get into the green tea drinking habit. In addition to its numerous health benefits, it is said to do loads of good for your skin as well. It is especially said to be beneficial during summer as it provides sun protection and also prevent ageing. Prepare a green tea brew, remember green tea is never had with milk or sugar. Freeze the brew to form ice cubes. Rub the cubes gently all over your skin.

H - Apply 1 tsp of honey and a tsp of lemon juice to your face every day after coming in from the hot sun. It will considerably reduce the darkening of skin due to sun exposure.

I- Ice cubes in any form are welcome during the fiery summer days. Here's how you could use it as a beauty remedy. Freeze 1 part of milk mixed with 3 parts of water. Cover these ice cubes with a cloth and rub it over your face. It will help in providing relief in case of sunburned skin. Follow this procedure every two to four hours for about a week. It will also tighten your pores and stimulate blood circulation.

J – If you have sun damaged hair, turn to jojoba oil for relief. Try out this recipe for healthy and soft hair. To one cup of pure rose water add a tbsp of jojoba oil, and  eight drops of vitamin E oil. Warm the rose water on a low flame in a double boiler. Switch off the gas, add jojoba and the vitamin E oils. Leave it on your scalp for an hour. Then, rinse it thoroughly plain warm water. Wash it off with a mild shampoo and cool water.

K – Pure Kohl or kajal which is chemical free works wonderfully to protect your eyes from the sun. There are a lot of ayurvedic kohls available in the market, one with almond oil as the base is especially good. Be sure you pick up a trusted and reliable brand.

L – Fill a spraying bottle with 1 part lemon juice, 1 part rose water and 4 parts of chilled water. Spray it on your face regularly during the hot summer days. It will keep your skin dew fresh and cool.

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M – Multani Mitti or Fuller's earth is the mainstay of beauty packs, especially summer beauty packs. Its an excellent skin cleanser and is rich in minerals to nourish your skin. If your skin is oily, try this soothing and cooling pack. Mix 2 tbsp of multani mitti with half a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and 2 tbsp of chilled rose water.Apply even on your face and neck. Leave it on till the mask dries. Rinse off with cool water and find your skin refreshed and clean. Regular use of this mask will bring out the natural beauty of your skin.

N -  Neem has numerous beauty benefits. Boil a handful of fresh neem leaves in water. Rinse your face with this water upon cooling. Regularly following this routine will give you problem free skin. To get rid of dandruff, another common summer woe, mix the extract of neem leaves with lime juice and leave it on your scalp for 30 minutes.

O – Powder sun dried orange peel and mix it with milk. Apply this to your face regularly and watch your skin glow.

P – Raw potato juice is an excellent remedy for treating marks and scars on your skin.

R – Rose water is one of the best natural skin toners.

S – Sugar crystals mixed with lemon juice makes an excellent face scrub.

T – During summer apply fresh turmeric powder mixed with milk, to reduce facial hair and get rid of a stubborn tan. 

U – Application of mashed unripe papayas as a face mask is an excellent way to prevent premature ageing that comes with constant exposure to the sun and it also helps eliminate dead skin cells. 

V – Apply one tbsp of vinegar mixed with 1 tbsp of lemon juice on the scalp for 30 minutes after rinsing with shampoo. It will give you silky and shiny tresses.

W – Make your body soft and smooth with this weekly scrub. Make a not-so-fine paste of 10 tbsp of walnut powder, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and five tbsp of honey. Mix well. Apply this paste in gentle circular motions all over your body. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Keep up this practise throughout the summer.

Y – Yoghurt has many beauty benefits. A soon as you step in home from spending a day out in the hot sun, apply chilled yoghurt all over your face and neck. After it completely dries up, rinse off with cold water. It will make your skin soft and prevent tanning to a great extent.

Z – Zzzzzzzzz….yes, sleep well. This remedy's a personal favourite and never fails to give your skin a fresh look!

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