
ABC's Of Successful Marriage!

Contributed by: verygood101 @ yahoo.com

A bsolutely adore each other.

B e best friends.

C ompromise.

D iscover new things together.

E ncourage each other.

F orgive and forget.

G aze into each others eyes.

H old hands and hug a lot.

I nspire and intrigue each other.

J oke and laugh and have fun.

K iss Kiss Kiss.

L ove with all your hearts.

M arvel at each other's talents.

N uture each other's soul.

O vercome problem together.

P lay games.

Q uiet each other's fears.

R emember the little things.

S ay "I love you" everyday.

T ake time for tenderness.

U nderstand and care deeply.

V alue everything you share.

W ish on stars together.

X -press your true feelings.

Y earn for each other's touch.

Z zzzz in each other's arm.

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