

Contributed by: verygood101 @ yahoo.com


Awareness can be a life-saver. It is very important to pay attention at all times to whatever is going on around you. It takes time to get used to being aware. Some people feel they are being paranoid when they first begin practicing awareness. However, with time it will develop into a natural habit.

The following are some common sense tips that can help in your awareness training.

1. Be assertive in your walk, using a firm, steady pace. A passive or fearful walk gives an image of vulnerability and sets you up as the easy target the assailant needs.

2. Avoid walking through groups of men or even groups of women or mixed groups that seem rowdy.

3. Plan your route in advance. Walk in well traveled areas. Avoid bushes, alleys, vacant lots, entryways and short cuts through deserted places. Vary your route home.

4. If you think you are being followed, cross the street, change directions, and keep looking behind you so it is obvious that you are aware. Take note of their appearance or any descriptions you may be able to give to the police. If you are being followed by a car, memorize the license number, run to the nearest business and call the police.

5. Keep a secure grip on your purse.. Do not allow it to dangle. Keep fasteners and zippers closed and any openings close to your body. However, if threatened by a demand for your purse, do not choose your purse over your own safety.

6. Do not allow force or threats to get you into a car. Keep your hands free whenever possible.

7. If you are waiting outside, stand balanced on both feet. Do not put your hands in your pockets. Be aware of cars that pull up to you or that pass you repeatedly.

8. If a driver asks directions, do not get close to the car.

9. Do not accept rides from strangers.

10. When using public transportation, sit toward the front of the bus or in busy subway trains and be aware of the people getting off with you.


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