
Beauty Myths BUSTED

Be it health or se xual fallacies or wrong perceptions about beauty, once accepted, myths are tough to be dumped. Here are some of the most common beauty myths that we get experts to bust.

Myth #1: Sun screen isn't required during winters/cloudy days

We believe in what we see and accordingly perceive a myth as the gospel truth. As the name suggests, sun screen doesn't imply that it needs to be applied only when Sun is shining bright. Experts say that the harmful UVA and UVB rays continue to render their damaging effects even when it's cloudy.

Fact : "Ultra violet (UV) rays are even stronger on cloudy days and they easily penetrate, even more so, through the clouds. These rays can infiltrate the skin and that's the reason why we get a tan even while sitting in an air-conditioned car. We don't feel the burn because it's cold inside, but our skin gets damaged significantly. All air hostesses and flight crew should wear UV protection on an aircraft because at the altitude at which they fly, the atmosphere is much thinner and the harmful rays penetrate through the windows of the aircraft," warns ace make-up artist Cory Walia.

Myth # 2: Chocolates and fried food causes pimples and acne

Denying the notion that eating chocolates and fried food leads to pimples, medically supported studies have shown that the prime cause behind pimples is extreme stress or dead skin cells blocking the skin's pores.

Fact : "Formation of pimples is an allergic reaction attributed to certain factors that the body is unable to process. It's basically an interaction between digestive fluids from the liver and the hormones in the body and when there is a clash between the two, excessive toxins and amino acids are pushed into the blood stream. These fats accelerate the growth of pimples. You will see very beautiful people who eat two bars of chocolate every day and still their skin keeps glowing," explains Walia.

Myth #3: Drinking lots of water makes the skin beautiful

Excess of anything is bad and the same holds true for this age-old belief that states that drinking lots of water makes the skin glow. Though water intake does contribute towards the betterment of our skin's texture, too much of it will only result in bloating and leading to several trips to the restroom.

Fact : "Water helps flushing out the toxins from our body, but one need not go overboard. It's a good idea to go on a Detox program once in a week where you should ideally consume 4-5 litres of water and this can include a liquid diet of vegetable and fruit juices. When you are eating wrong, doing no exercise etc, then there can be radical damage that causes ageing and disease, as it is thinning the collagen in our skin, so the water enters the body only in a limited quantity," shares skin care expert Jamuna Pai.

Myth #4: Cocoa butter and olive oil prevent stretch marks

All mums would heave a sigh of relief believing this statement, but alas this beauty fad lacks medical backing. Stretch marks occur when the skin expands quickly (as in the case of pregnancy), breaking the collagen and elastin fibers that normally support it. In some cases, it's the elasticity factor that contributes to the formation of stretch marks, in others it is caused by a woman's genes that are a hereditary attribute.

Fact : "Cocoa butter and olive oil help in the superficial softening of a woman's skin and the affected area for a shorter time period. Whether the skin breaks into stretch marks or not will depend on its elasticity. Applying these ointments help a bit on the external skin, but you need to have something that penetrates deeper into the other layers of the skin where these stretch marks are formed," clarifies Jamuna.

Myth #5: Soap is harmful for the skin

It's incorrect to say all soaps contain the same chemical mixtures that cause irritation on the one's skin.

Fact : "Using soap totally depends on the skin type a person possesses. So, whether a woman's skin is dry, oily or sensitive, one should choose the right kind of soap. It's preferable to use soap that possesses moisturising effects which helps making the skin soft," states Jamuna.

Myth #6: Conditioner is bad for the hair

One of the most prevalent myths related to hair care is about the usage of conditioner, as most people believe that using it regularly after every head wash damages the hair badly. It's also wrongly believed that using conditioner makes hair break easily, making hair dry after a point of time.

Fact : "Conditioner can and should be used after every shampoo. It not only helps getting rid of tangles, but also coats the hair and protects it from outside elements like Sun, dust and heat. Once you've applied the conditioner, there is no need to brush your hair hard as this prevents hair breakage. Preferably, if your hair has undergone chemical treatment, opt for a stronger conditioner, using a mild one for oily hair," shares celebrity hair stylist Coleen Fernandez.

Myth #7: Henna is a great conditioner

Another most common belief is that henna is one of the best natural conditioners. But not too many people know about the damage it does to your hair.

Fact : "While using henna, you're coating the hair and in the long run it makes hair fragile and brittle. The hair becomes heavy, extremely dry and suffers long term damage in other ways. If you think that it's fine to use henna once a month, I would say that it's not okay even once in a year. For those who still want to the henna effect, they can opt for ammonia free hair colour," suggests Coleen.

Myth #8: Rinsing hair with beer makes it thicker

This is a typical modern day formula, which believes that using beer will add a glow, making the hair thicker. Though a final rinse of beer at the end of a shower does lead to more voluminous strands, as beer builds up the circumference of the shafts, but the scent is a strong deterrent.

Fact : "Beer contains certain glycols (sugar) that coat the hair, making it look thicker. About using beer during a head wash, it has the same effect as vinegar or eggs adding a little shine. But the effect doesn't last long because the scalp doesn't absorb anything," asserts Cory Walia

Contributed by: (verygood101 @ yahoo.com)

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