
Learn to Make Better Decisions

If you're still making the same mistakes at 50 that you were at 20, you need to ask God for wisdom.

"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out" (Proverbs 18:15).

What you are in the present is determined by the decisions you made in the past. Proverbs 14:15 says "A prudent man gives thought to his steps."

If you want to change your future, learn to make better decisions.

Be wise! Here are ten principles to guide you:

1. Never make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.  If you do, you'll regret it.

2. Don't let your emotions blind your reasoning. Pray, weigh things carefully and base your decisions on mature judgment.

3. Surround yourself with sharp people and draw on their gifts, without being intimidated by their expertise.

4. Take the time to consider all options.  What looks good to you today may not look so good tomorrow.

5. You can't fight successfully on every front, so choose your battles carefully. Simply stated: some things are not worth fighting for.

6. Take time to get all the facts; conjecture leads to crisis.

7. Consider the consequences of each action. Ask yourself, "Am I ready to handle this right now?"

8. Make sure your expectations don't exceed your potential and your resources. Be realistic. If you can't count, don't apply for a job in the finance office. If you can't sing, don't try to make an album. Focus on what God gifted you to do. That's where you'll succeed.

9. Time is your most limited and valuable resource. Don't waste it.

10. Allow yourself a 10% risk of being wrong, a 50% likelihood of betrayal, and a 100% commitment to trust God. Go forward and survive it all.

Contributed by: Asian Woman (i_asianwoman @ yahoo.com)

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