
Tips for Getting A Better Night Sleep

Contributed by: Ahmed Imam (idealimam @ yahoo.com)

Tips for Getting A Better Night Sleep

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can cause restlessness during the night. Caffeine and nicotine have substances in them that will keep you awake.

Avoid Smoking

Nicotine has substances in it that will keep you awake.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine has substances in it that will keep you awake.

Exercise regularly

But do not exercise near your bedtime.

Avoid sleep interruptions

Don't sleep with the pet, close your door, minimize light and noise.

Relax before bedtime

A warm bath or light snack

Avoid liquids before bedtime

Limits having to use the bathroom at night.

Avoid long naps during the day

Naps can disrupt your sleeping pattern.

Avoid trying to sleep

The more you "try" to sleep, the more difficult it becomes.

Get up at the same time each morning

Too much time in bed can lead to restless sleep.

Use your bed for sleeping

Not for unrelated activities like reading or watching tv.

Check your medications

Medications might increase your sleep difficulties.

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Tips for People who Work the Night Shift

1.       Share your schedule and sleep times with your family and friends.

2.       Take a nap before your evening shift to help you feel more alert.

3.       Prepare your bedroom for daytime sleeping.

4.       Use room darkening shades or curtains

5.       Use a fan or soft music to block out loud sounds

6.       Eat regular meals with a balanced diet.

7.       Work out before work.

8.       Brisk walking, jogging or swimming can help you stay alert and keep you in shape.

9.       Avoid late night caffeine.

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