
The Top 10 Resolutions for 2009

Contributed by: Asian Woman (i_asianwoman @ yahoo.com)

I have decided that with God's help, I shall:-

1) Give up complaining . . . focus on gratitude.

2) Give up harsh judgments . . . think kind thoughts.

3) Give up worry . . . trust divine providence.

4) Give up discouragement . . . be full of hope.

5) Give up bitterness . . . turn to forgiveness.

6) Give up hatred . . . return good for evil.

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7) Give up anger . . . practice patience.

8) Give up pettiness . . . put on maturity.

9) Give up gloom. . . enjoy the beauty that is around me.

10) Give up gossiping . . . control my tongue.

-- Author Unknown

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