
The Story of a Salesman

A salesman had a flat tire somewhere out in the countryside.

He opened his trunk and looked for his jack... but it wasn't there.

"Hum, now what do I do," he thought.

Since he was stranded on a small country road on a hot summer day, he doubted anyone would drive by to help. Seeing the spire of a church in the distance, he decided to walk to the nearest village and borrow a jack. It was a long way, and the day was very hot. On the way he thought, "I hope someone in that town has a jack they can lend me."

He walked some more, sweating profusely, and then thought, "I know what the people around here are like. They don't take kindly to strangers."

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He walked a little further, thinking, "Since they don't know me, I really don't think anyone is going to lend me a jack."

And so he continued walking and imagining the worst possible outcome to his predicament... No one in the town would be willing to lend him a jack, people would be so suspicious they'd even refuse to sell him one, and so on.

By the time he got to the village he was so upset he went to the square in the middle of town and started shouting, "All right, since that's the way you feel, you can keep your damn jack!"

How often have you invented all kinds of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and unfounded fears?

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