
Only God could keep a promise like that!

What if someone told you something that was going to happen in the
future? Then, years later, it really happened! It would be amazing.
God told His people that He would send them a King. Let's see if God
kept His promise.

Years and years before Jesus was born, God promised His people that He
would send them someone to rescue them.

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 11:1 that Jesus' ancestors were from King
David's family. In Matthew 1:6 and Luke 3:31, the Bible shows that
what was written in Isaiah is true! Jesus' great grandfather was

In Micah 5:2, God tells His people that Jesus would be born and where.
God's promise did come true. Jesus was born in a small town called
Bethlehem just like Micah 5:2 says! And He used a feed box called a
manger for his crib.

In Isaiah 7:14, the Bible even tells us one of Jesus' names. His name
would be "Immanuel." This means that God would rescue His people. In
Matthew 1:23, an angel tells Joseph that God's son would be called
"Immanuel." God kept His promise!

The book of Isaiah has many places where God gave us promises about
Jesus. Did you know that this book was written over 400 years BEFORE
Jesus was born!

Only God could keep a promise like that!

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