
Problems & Solutions

Contributed by: Adilakshmi (adilaxmi @ hpcl.co.in)

Problems can be solved when there is the faith that every problem has a solution.


When faced with a problem, there's a lot of thinking that goes into it. We sometimes end up only worrying about the problem thinking that we are trying to find a solution. But worrying never brings any solution. We only end up getting disheartened and give up trying. What then remains is just the problem and a lot of waste thoughts.


Instead of worrying about the problem and wasting time, it's important to work for the solution to the best of our ability with the faith that the solution will be found. Even if we are not able to find a solution at that time, it is important to have the faith that it will be found. Only then will we be able to relieve ourselves from worrying.

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