
Show Your Love

Contributed by: Judith de Leon (judith134484 @ yahoo.com.ph)

As i walked to the cemetery yesterday

every step along the way

reminds me the importance of showing your love

so in the end when your loveones departed

you will feel no regret in your heart...


show them how much you care

bring them flowers when they can still appreciate

the beauty and fragrance of it

hug them, kiss them while you can still feel

the warmth of their body...


tell them you love them

it's the sweetest words

you can whisper to their ears...

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for no amount of crying,

no matter how loud it is

will ever reach their ears

when they are already cold

and lying in their coffin..


redeem the time for it is short, my friend

spend it wisely with the ones you love

so when they are gone,

you can still smile and bid them goodbye

for you know in your heart

that the memories you have

will last for a lifetime

even when their physical presence

is no longer around....

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