
My Twin Flame

Contributed by: Judith de Leon (judith134484 @ yahoo.com.ph)

i was always waiting

for my twin flame to appear

for i know that the universe

has designed one for me to care...


however i was impatient

waiting for that moment

so the universe has no choice then

but to hand me some warnings...


lessons on life's ups and downs

were delivered to my door...

cracked me like nuts,

and whips with so much candour...


well, patience, i have learned

for the duration of the waiting...

gratefulness,  is another

though lessons are handed

not in silver platter.


the universe has well-prepared me

gives me pain and glory

before i finally meet

the soul that the universe

has decided for me...


well,  the waiting at last is over

now, i have my twin flame

someone i can grow old with

share the momentous moment

and be happy with him, indeed....

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