
Manifest Your Own Reality: Choices

We create our reality from our Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs. Let's explore each of these: CHOICES OR DECISIONS


Many people don't manifest what they want, because they are not willing to choose. They are so scared to make a mistake that they never move.

"What should I be - a doctor or a lawyer?"

"Shall I marry him/her or shall I not?"

Sound familiar?


The universe responds to your moves.

When you make a choice and move, the universe either responds in "BRAVO" or in "OOPS, TRY AGAIN".

But if you don't make a move, you'll never know.


Life is pretty much like driving a car.

When you're driving you make decisions all the time, you get feedback all the time and you make new decisions based on that feedback.

You go round a curve too fast, the tires scream, oh boy, too fast, slow down...

As you drive to work in the morning, you have taken hundreds of risks and made hundreds of decisions, without thinking too much about it.


This is how powerful the gift of feedback is.

We make decisions and then get the response.


An interesting fact about feedback is that when we receive it from others we don't like it. We feel criticized.


Life is an adventure.

If we had the map already written and memorized, what would be the point of taking the journey?



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