
5 minutes

Everyone likes to be nice i.e. nice to others. No one likes to show the dark side of ones personality to others. It is only the near and dear ones, close friends or sub-ordinates who are usually aware of the certain aspects of ones personality which others may not be aware of. Why does this happen? Do we ever spend time to think about this? In this materialistic and mechanical world where everyone is in the race to move ahead of others, amass more wealth and comfort for self and family who has time to think? Art of fooling others is treated as smartness. Straight forward people take time to grow professionally or never grow because of lack of so called smartness. Selfishness means being practical. Self respect can be sacrificed for the sake of money. What are we going to achieve at the end of all this? Trust is lost. Everyone is looked at with suspicion because the mad race for prosperity and growth has killed the values and ethos. There is nothing wrong in aspiring better things or growth in life but just pause for a moment and ask yourself HOW DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE IT? Is it by proving your excellence in work, being loyal to your organization and treating organization's growth as your own growth OR by being expert in office politics, keeping personal growth above organization's growth and taking organizations resources for granted. Materialistic growth is no guarantee for self satisfaction and money cannot buy peace of mind.


Life is uncertain so don't wait for tomorrow, decide today how do you want to live your life. Success should be measured not by what you earn or how much power do you yield but by love and affection that you get from your family, friends and your colleagues. Honest introspection will tell you how successful you are and you can yourself decide how successful you wish to be.


Just spend 5 minutes in a day with yourself and your life may take a new turn.

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