
Ten Tips for Corporate Success

It's really challenging to present ourselves to the world. Today the world is open for education. Every year, thousands of students are going abroad for higher education. The question is do we manage to get and survive in the most suitable / satisfying position even after having a top level degree?


The answer is No. The eligibility criterion has changed today. So I have tried to find out some of the areas to put ourselves on a better platform.


Can you speak among others? I have seen many people working in the leading position in high level companies without having much knowledge in his field of work. But the quality they possess is 'power of presentation'. They are good speakers, can present things in an organized way. That's what the world sought after. It is not necessary that we need be wiser or an expert. So take the charge to lead things, speak out among others. I remember my reactions after I made a presentation that was demanded of me. I analyzed myself and picked up the areas of improvement.



Specialization on a subject: People are rushing to get their MBA, MCA etc. to get a top level job. However that is not enough, the requirement is to be an expert in the field. If you are a programmer or developer, you need to show superiority and excellence in your field of work, because knowledge is recognized as power.



Create your online presence today: It's the era of the world wide web. In spite of putting a residential address in your CV, make available your website address or personal blog (http://www.myname.com/blog). Let your employer / interviewer take a look at your creation and online presence.



Keep in touch with the experts in your field, stay with the successful people: Regular update is required to proceed at a higher pace. So keep in touch with others working on your same profile and maintain a good relationship with them. It works a lot.



Develop personality, be the owner of a good character: People will respect you: I am not giving any details to this. This will be the reflection of who you are.



Acquire leadership qualities: Leadership doesn't require any position. If you have the problem solving capability and the power to lead under any circumstances, people will come to you and create the platform for your.



Optimize 24 hour! For me, 24 hours is not enough to complete a day's work. I can't do all my daily work, starting from office work, traveling, family, friends, refreshment, reading books, watching television, sleeping etc. So it is a better idea to plan in order to achieve the maximum benefit. Life is one after all !!



Be strict and honest to your work, seek for further improvements: After every month of work, interact with your boss and other colleagues in order to have an idea on the areas of self improvement, because the corporate world moves rapidly. It requires hard work to be steady on the right track.



Are you happy with your job? Ask yourself…: Job satisfaction is what anyone always dreams of, but unfortunately in rare cases it happens. Still we should be comfortable with our field of workplace, profile and overall environment. If one can't satisfy himself after a days work, progress is quite impossible.



Plan for refreshments in the weekend: Refresh yourself after every hectic week of work. It may be games, movies, spending time with family etc. Start the new week with a fresh mind and rejuvenated level of energy.

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