
Eye Care

Eye is one of the important organs of our body. It is painful to think about the blind people – they are amongst the most unfortunate men. One who can't see the world suffers depression and bears the feeling of dismay throughout his life. Their life becomes agonised because without eyesight, there exists nothing but darkness, the darkness of depression within the mind and the darkness of lack of vision. After all learning by touch and learning through sight have different essence altogether.


Do we give that much importance to save our eyes? Probably we don't. Our laziness keeps us back from visiting the doctor for the simplest of eye problems.


It is the age of computers today. Almost all official work is performed by a computer. The continuous stress on our eyes pushes us into an uncomfortable condition. Recently I had the opportunity to interview one of the famous eye specialists (10 years practitioner and Eye surgeon) Dr. K. Reddy. I am briefing an interview with him for my blog readers:



Me: There is no doubt that the advancement of technology has a negative impact on us; like the continuous use of computer, color televisions, increasing trend of seeing colorful movies etc are the reasons for eye problems. So are we really losing the power of eyes at an early stage?


Dr. Reddy: Definitely. Those who put extra pressure to their eyes involve themselves in studying in insufficient light etc. have to use spectacles at an early stage. Those who work on computers can follow few tips from me:


Avoid working on computer in a dark room. Set necessary indirect lights at your workplace. The room color-shed is also important; Green is the most soothing color for eyes. Put an anti-glare on the monitor, LCD screen is better soothing for eye.



Take small breaks, say, after each hour and sometimes splash your eyes with water. It's advisable to blink your eyes while working. Do not work when you have a headache, as it exerts extra pressure on brain cells.

Me: Children have a huge burden these days. Hectic schooling, tuitions, favorite TV serials, cartoon films, video games, drawing classes on holidays etc. So the extra stress to their eyes starts from childhood. Isn't it too much for eyes?


Dr. Reddy: Undoubtedly. I see many children using high powered glasses. I don't find any reason why parents put so much pressure on their children. Playing out-door games have become rare. The more popular video games on computer and cartoon films harm a lot in the long run. It's high time to make a note of it.


To me it's compulsory for each child to have an eye check up at the age of 3 / 4 years. We see many cases of childhood eye problems. A person had problem in one eye since birth. He never got it checked nor went for a proper treatment on time. So when it was diagnosed, it was too late. The cells got dried up and nothing remained for us to do.


Me: If we look 50 years back, we see that our grandfathers hardly used spectacles or faced so much eye problems. But today we have a different situation altogether. So, according to you, what is the basic underlying problem?


Dr. Reddy: We are into a new era now. We have lots of technological updates today. But the saddest part is that we hardly get pure food these days. The excessive use of fertilizers and hybrid vegetables/fruits make the situation worse. Here are few suggestions:


Green vegetable and fresh fruit are good for eyes. Try to balance your diet with such food. Make a habit of drinking sufficient water everyday.

If we can walk on grass (with dew) in the morning, it provides positive effect on your eyes.

It's better to avoid observing flashing displays of advertisements etc., because a sudden spark of light affects eyes most.

Keep a check whether you face any problem during working, reading newspapers or while watching TV. Observe whether tears roll down or moisten your eyes, headache starts or the objects you see needs to be closer for you to see. If you notice anything unusual consult an eye specialist immediately.

In the conclusion he mentioned that it's up to us to save our eyes. During travel, smoke coming out from vehicles, dust affects our eyes a lot. Those who frequently travel can use sunglass to protect eyes from direct sunlight and air pollution. Provide sufficient rest to your eyes whenever possible; be strict and watch only selected TV programs. Consult with specialist for any sort of eye problem. If advised, don't hesitate to use spectacles and make sure to use it regularly.


How would it be if we donate our eyes after our death? Eyes become alive after death and we can light the life of a blind person. Do you know that eye donation is the noblest of all causes? So come let's join in the effort to do it today.

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