
The Six Chakras and the Crown

In the Tantric texts six such Chakras or Shat Chakras are mentioned. These are: Mooladhara, Swadhishtana, Manipoora, Anahata, Visuddhi, Ajna and above these six there is another one called Sahasrara.


Mooladhara is at the end of the spine from where three channels originate. Here the energy starts to flow up. All the basic human natures come out of this place.


Swadhishtana is just one inch above the Mooladhara Chakra. This is the place for the Ego or the feeling of self which is hence called swadhishtana.


Manipoora is exactly behind the naval in the spinal cord. In this Chakra both the mind and Chitha or the impressions and vasanas are installed.


Anahata is in the center of the heart slightly at the right side and it is here the feelings and sensations are situated.


Visuddhi is at the place of the thyroids below the neck. There is a special Naadi just below this Chakra which is responsible for dreaming.


Ajna is in the centre of the forehead in between the two eyes. This charka has the capacity to command all the functions and hence is called Ajna. During meditation if there is no peculiar desire to concentrate on any other centre, it is better to concentrate on this centre rather than coming up concentrating from Mooladhara up.


The Sahasrara chakra is above all the other Chakras. It is at this Chakra that one gets the Nirvana or Realisation or Jnana as Yogis call it.


The Bija mantras for these chakras are Lam, Ram, Vam. Yam, Ham and AUM respectively from Mooladhara upwards. When pronouncing the Bijas, A in the middle should be pronounced as U as in BUT and not as OO as in PUT.


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