
(In)action Plan

Haven't you termed that 'completely organised' colleague of yours as a 'perfectionist'? We think you did it  more  out of jealousy than jest. There is a reason for it though: it is that far from being perfect, you know you aren't 'completely organised' either. There is a way through which you emulate the perfectionist though, if you are ready to put in some efforts and have a knack of pursuing your goals. Be assured, what follows is no gyaan on developing a new skill, rather these are just tips to organise your skills so you and your team fare better at the workplace. And by the way, it's still not late to make a New Year resolution. So we suggest you read on…




With full schedules, there are daily problems that will occur and will need immediate attention. This means that other tasks will have to be kept aside. Impromptu meetings, absence of fellow team-members and other situations can make getting through the workday almost impossible. Staying organised i.e. having a time-plan is essential if you want to stay true to your deadlines. If you're a team-leader, your schedules will assume more importance. This will help you delegate additional responsibilities when necessary. The following tips will help you (and even your colleagues and superiors) stay on track even on the stormiest days at your workplace.


• Invest in a planner or calendar with big blocks so that you can write down not only your schedule, but also your team members' schedules. Ideally, this should be on your desk all the time, but many prefer to make use of software for this. You will only have to use it regularly to realise how it helps you to keep track of your projects, deadlines and productivity in general.


• Get into the habit of 'separating' things according to their importance or priority. Using files and folders would do you quite some service (if you don't care about people calling you 'boring'). Make sure you file all material in designated spots. Each morning, take out what will be needed and keep it close by. Carrying things to office in a bulky bag is something worth doing on days of presentations – since you have materials ready, you will feel a sense of completeness, which in turn will also boost your confidence.


• Use technology! Pen drives, flash drives and several other USB-based devices are now available in our markets at dirt-cheap prices. And since it is a matter of a right click to create virtual folders, why not do it? USB drives (which double up as key chains, bottle openers and even neck pieces these days) are a cool, convenient option to carry all your contacts, presentations, files and a load of things with you – all the time.


• Enlist your daily tasks and reminders and mark them off as you complete them. If you own a funky cellphone, we're sure it'll have a pretty decent 'organiser' too! Why not feed it with alarms and reminders everyday on your way to work? It will not only catch you napping, but also let you know what all you have done and what remains.


• If you're a team-leader, here's something worth doing: create a list of your team members and their strengths and skills in a particular area. When planning a project, refer to the list when deciding which roles people will fill. If a team member specifically asks for a role, write it down on their list so that next time, you will remember to consider them for it.




While all the above is important to help you save the blushes at work, planning time for your family, work or a hobby too is crucial. For, the work-free time balance itself will let you be more organised and keep stress levels low. If you are taking work home everyday, even more planning needs to be done to keep your near ones happy.



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