
Sixty-six Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

In addition to throwing off the body’s balance, excess sugar (especially processed, white sugar) may result in a large number of other physical problems.  The following list of problems associated with sugar was compiled from a variety of scientific publications.

Sugar has the ability to do all of the following:

1.                 Suppress the immune system.

2.                 Upset the body’s mineral balance.

3.                 Cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children. This could be the real cause of “ADD & ADHD” (Bryan's opinion)

4.                 Cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.

5.                 Adversely affect children’s school grades.

6.                 Produce a significant rise in triglycerides.

7.                 Contribute to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.

8.                 Reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).

9.                 Promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).

10.             Lead to chromium deficiency.

11.             Cause copper deficiency.

12.             Interfere with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

13.             Lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum and other areas of the body.

14.             Weaken eyesight.

15.             Cause hypoglycemia.

16.             Produce an acidic stomach.

17.             Increase the risk of heart disease.

18.             Speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and gray hair.

19.             Lead to alcoholism.

20.             Promote tooth decay.

21.             Major factor in weight gain and obesity.

22.             Increase the risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative Colitis.

23.             Cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with gastric or duodenal ulcers.

24.             Cause arthritis.

25.             Cause asthma.

26.             Cause candida (yeast infection).

27.             Lead to the formation of Gallstones.

28.             Lead to the formation of Kidney stones

29.             Cause appendicitis.

30.             Strengthen the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

31.             Indirectly cause hemorrhoids.

32.             Cause varicose veins.

33.             Contribute to osteoporosis.

34.             Decrease and inhibit the production of human growth hormone (HGH).

35.             Increase total cholesterol.

36.             Change the structure of protein causing interference with protein absorption.

37.             Cause food allergies.

38.             Cause diabetes.

39.             Cause toxemia during pregnancy.

40.             Contribute to eczema in children.

41.             Cause cataracts.

42.             Cause breathing disorders.

43.             Cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.

44.             Lower enzyme functions.

45.             Cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.

46.             Cause Liver cells to divide abnormally, increasing the size of the Liver.

47.             Increase the amount of fat in the Liver.

48.             Increase Kidney size causing damage.

49.             Overstress the Pancreas, causing damage.

50.             Increase the body’s fluid retention.

51.             Cause constipation.

52.             Cause myopia (nearsightedness) by depleting chromium which is tied to the development and progression of nearsightedness.

53.             Cause hypertension and high blood pressure.

54.             Cause headaches, including migraines.

55.             Cause depression.

56.             Increase bacterial formation in the colon.

57.             Cause hormonal imbalances.

58.             Increase the risk of blood clots.

59.             Increase the risk of Alzheimer Disease.

60.             Increase the risk of ALL cancers.

61.             Increase the risk of gout.

62.             Lead to dizziness.

63.             Slow the food’s travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.

64.             Is an addictive substance.

65.             Intoxication, similar to alcohol.

 66             Make PMS worse.

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