
Know Your Bladder

Do you know these facts about your bladder?

1. Drink what you need. Though the medical recommendation is to drink 8-12 glasses of water a day the individual needs differ. Some need a lot of water depending on their physical activity, body constitution, health conditions, climatic conditions etc while some need less. Frequent urination or a leak in a healthy adult means he is taking extra fluids! So drink just enough water to keep yourself healthily hydrated.

2. Caffeine is not good for your bladder as it is a diuretic. It speeds up your kidneys and irritate the bladder. So don't worry about a leaking bladder if you take more caffeinated drinks.

3. It is not often an enlarged prostate that causes plumbing problems in men but an overactive bladder. So get it diagnosed and treated!

4. It is normal to urinate once at night. But twice a night indicate something is wrong. It could be just that you drink too much water in the evening or that you are anxious. If it's a regular habit to urinate more than twice at night keeping a fluid diary is recommended. Consult your doctor if it persists.

5. Another sign of an overactive bladder is urinating for more than 8 times a day.

6. Being overweight is a reason for stress incontinence. Stress incontinence is a condition where pressure on the bladder from cough or sneeze causes you to leak. It happens when the muscles in the pelvis is weak and cannot handle this pressure.

7. It is not a small bladder that causes frequent leaks but your capacity. If you drink more water than you can hold you will probably leak. Weak muscles, nerve damage (due to conditions like diabetes), medications, infections etc can cause leaking.

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