
Manifest Your Own Reality: Thoughts

We create our reality from our Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs. Let's explore each of these: THOUGHTS


Your unconscious mind works in the same manner as a refrigerator.

A refrigerator cannot tell the truth from a lie, has no sense of humor, always works in present time, always accepts what comes in and simply agrees and says, "YES".


Throughout your life your fridge has been faithfully storing information.


Whenever any of your senses picked up a message that you are a good person or a loveable person, your fridge opened its door, said, "YES" and stored it away.


Of course, any time that you picked up that you were a bad person, unworthy or unlovable, your fridge just says, "YES" and stores it away.


You therefore have, a lot of stored data, and your self-image as well as your self-esteem are based on this information.


Studies show that 80% of all the input we receive as kids is negative ("don't do this", "that is bad").

Remembering that a child is like a sponge and he or she receives and believes anything that is said to him or her, there's little wonder why we end up in a society of people who's belief systems are made up of "I am not good enough", "I don't deserve", "I'll fuck it up", etc...


So, what to do?

How about balancing some of the negative information, with something positive?

How about utilizing positive affirmations?

I know that for many, affirmations work, whilst others just get bored with them.

There is a way however, to use them with powerful results, as long as we employ the power of our feelings.


But before jumping to our feelings, we need to remember a few basics:


Repeat the thought over and over again.

You have spent years filling up your fridge with garbage. Do you really expect that a few days of positive affirmations would balance it out?


Use present tense.

"I will earn a million next year" doesn't work.

Tomorrow never comes.


Use positive terms.

"I quit overeating" puts the weight on the overeating.

Make it instead: "I eat only what my body needs"



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