
Manifest Your Own Reality: Beliefs

We create our reality from our Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs. Let's explore each of these: BELIEFS


Your beliefs determine your reality in much the same way as your thoughts do.

However, their power is bigger as their source comes from the past and is well hidden in this fridge we call the unconscious mind.

When I began to really look at my beliefs, some of them were: "men are stupid", "I have to work hard for my money", "I'm lazy" and "I can't fly". And, of course, the one that kept all the others in place is: "I believe that my beliefs are difficult to change".


If I could just change this last one, then I could change the others quite easily.

BUT. There is safety in these beliefs. They are familiar.

Am I prepared to lose that safety?


Some of these beliefs are, I think, useful. Until I'm sure I can fly, I should avoid jumping off tall buildings.

I guess that's useful, but it is also worth examining once in a while.


Anyway, beliefs are important to us.

We spend a lot of energy proving them true.

Whenever I got overworked and stressed I would turn on the TV, zapping for hours, thus confirming, "I'm lazy".

Whenever a man became too close and offered his friendship, I always found something wrong with him to keep him away. Of course, "men are stupid".


We can create new, positive beliefs about ourselves.

Just reverse the belief you want to change and say it to yourself over and over again, using all your enthusiasm and excitement. Instead of "I'm a failure" use "I'm successful", instead of "I'm not good enough" use "I'm great".


These four topics, Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs, are areas where you can really shift your ability to live life of joyful creativity.


Watch your thoughts - keep them positive.


Give your feelings space. Feelings are okay.

They add flavor to the soup of life.


Get used to making choices - take a chance.

We all make mistakes and we can all respond to the results.

Look at your beliefs. Are they unquestionable facts?

Or might it be useful to shift some of them?


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