
Making your Hobby your work: Doing what you Love

As a child, I remember my father, sitting in his room, surrounded by his books, writing.


His work was his love. Later in his life, when most people have retired, he was up early in the morning, busy with his work. It gave him, both a meaning to life and kept him young.


My mother never liked her teaching job, although she was very successful. She retired early and kept searching for satisfaction, without success. She became bitter and sad.


Until today I cherish the lesson I learned from them:

"Find a job that is your hobby, your art."


As children we all wanted to be somebody. A fireman, a pilot, an artist.

As we grew up, we realized that our job must also pay our financial and social bills.

So we sold our passion and love for stability and security.

We rationalize by saying that 'work is work', and pleasure will come later.

But does it?

When was the last time you found the time and energy to do the things that you really care for?


What if your work could follow your heart's desire? What if you could really do what you love to do?

Finding it might be difficult, as we have lost touch with what we enjoy most.

It has been too long since we have given ourselves the chance to connect to it.


So, how about taking some time off and instead of complaining about your job, start searching what it is that you love doing.

Find out what is it that you are good at, where your talents lie and what comes both naturally and easily to you.

Recall childhood activities that you once loved.

Become aware of the situations that bring out the best in you.

Discover what values are important to you and what you would like to see manifested in your work.


Once you have created a framework for those activities, talents and abilities, in which you excel (as well as those values that you wish to express in your work), start investigating what sort of work expresses them to their fullest potential.

Allow yourself to be creative; don't dwell in the area of "sensibilities".

Allow yourself to be open; as opposed to reasoning everything.

Communicate to the world the type of work you wish to have. You will be surprised at how much support you will receive, once you clarify your wishes.


When you do the work you love, it becomes easy and effortless, because work becomes a source of energy rather than a drain. You continuously grow and develop while creating for yourself a space of love and friendship. You tap into your creativity therefore remaining young and alive.


So how about making your hobby your work?!


Author: Unknown


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