
101 Ways to Praise a Child

Wow * Way To Go * Super * You're Special * Outstanding * Excellent


Great * Good * Neat * Well Done * Remarkable * I Knew You Could Do It


I'm Proud Of You * Fantastic * Superstar * Nice Work * Looking Good


You're On Top Of It * Beautiful * Now You're Flying * You're Catching On


Now You've Got It * You're Incredible * Bravo * You're Fantastic *


Hurray For You * You're On Target * You're On Your Way * How Nice


How Smart * Good Job * That's Incredible * Hot Dog * Dynamite


You're Beautiful * You're Unique * Nothing Can Stop You Now *


Good For You * I Like You * You're A Winner * Remarkable Job


Beautiful Work * Spectacular * You're Smart * You're Darling


You're Precious * Great Discovery * You've Discovered The Secret


You Figured It Out * Fantastic Job * Hip, Hip, Hurray * Bingo


Magnificent * Marvelous * Terrific * You're Important * Phenomenal


You're Sensational * Super Work * Creative Job * Super Job * Fantastic Job


Exceptional Performance * You're A Real Trooper * You Are Responsible


You Are Exciting * You Learned It Right * What An Imagination


What A Good Listener * You Are Fun * You're Growing Up * You Tried Hard * You Care


Beautiful Sharing * Outstanding Performance * You're A Good Friend * I Trust You


Yippy Skippy * You Mean A Lot To Me * You Make Me Happy * You Belong


You've Got A Friend * You Make Me Laugh * You Brighten My Day * I Respect You


You Mean The World To Me * That's Correct * You're A Joy * You're A Treasure


You're Wonderful * You're Perfect * Awesome * A+ Job * You're A-Ok-My Buddy


You Made My Day * That's The Best * A Big Hug * A Kiss * Say, I Love You


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