
Yoga to relieve stress - XI

5.3 The rabbit


As you are on the floor in the resting position after the dog stretch, bring your hands closer to your head and rest your elbows on the floor with your forearms and hands flat. Breathe consciously from your diaphragm. Feel yourself breathing stale air out and fresh, clean air in.


After a few breaths, lift your torso from your thighs and sit up with a straight spine. Your buttocks are still on your heels. Keep your hands flat on the floor and your arms straight. Again breathe deeply from your diaphragm for a few breaths.


Now bend forward. Lift the buttocks from your heels and bend your elbows. Bend down and rest the crown of your head on the floor. Again breathe deeply, concentrating on stale air being replaced by fresh air. When you have finished, slowly return to the sitting position. Remain like this for a while and relax before moving on.


The rabbit position is a good lung exercise while being both relaxing and cleansing. The mind is occupied with concentrating on the breath, so you are relieved from everyday worry and stressful thoughts.

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