
Yoga to relieve stress - X

5.2 The dog stretch


The dog stretch tones the calves, strengthens the ankles and stretches the back and shoulders. Stand on your hands and knees with your back straight. With your feet flat on the floor, and hands remaining where they are, lift your buttocks to the ceiling as you exhale. Stand on your toes at first and then lower your heels as far as you can while keeping your legs straight. Your arms and back should also form a straight line. Your head hangs in alignment with your neck between your arms. Keep the position for a couple of breaths - as long as is comfortable.


To come down, breathe in and bend your knees. Point your toes backwards, resting the top of your feet on the floor. Sit on your heels and rest your torso on your thigs. Stretch your hands in front of you and rest your forehead on the floor. Remain in this comforting position for a while. This is the beginning of the rabbit position.

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