
Why do we do pradakshina (circumambulate)?

Why do we do pradakshina (circumambulate)?


We cannot draw a circle without a center point. The Lord is the center, source and essence of our lives. Recognizing Him as the focal point in our lives, we go about doing our daily chores. This is the significance of pradakshina.


Also every point on the circumference of a circle is equidistant from the center. This means that wherever or whoever we may be, we are equally close to the Lord. His grace flows towards us without partiality.


{Our note: From the modern scientific viewpoint, time and space are both a 'human' idea; both are relative depending on the observer.  Einstein's theory emphasizes this.  Modern science thus calls this dimension as 'space-time'.  In an infinite universe, every place is at the center of the universe.}

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