
Yoga to relieve stress - IX

5.1 The forward bend (paschimotanasana)


This exercise requires some suppleness to perform completely. Stretch only as far as your body will allow. As soon as you experience any discomfort or have to bend your back, stop the exercise.


Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs stretched in front of you. Breathe in and lift your arms above your head. Keeping your arms and torso in a straight line, bend forward from your hips as you breathe out. When you are leaning forward as far as you can, lower your hands to your legs and place them as far forward as you can. Keep stretching forward as you breathe regularly. Remember that your back must remain straight.


The aim is to touch your knees with your forehead, but don't be too ambitious during the first try. Breathe in, lift your hands and torso to the upright position, breathe out and let your hands come down again to the original position.

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