
The NEW Age

The NEW Age


A key component of the New Age which many people prescribe to is the belief that our planet and its population are literally moving into a New Age. This New Age is one of awakened consciousness where people give up their limited third-dimensional survival mode of existence and awaken to a higher, more enlightened world.  This coming New Age is an era of harmony, progress, knowing, and enlightenment.


  - Andrew Lutts


The New Age movement means different things to different people.

However almost all New Age topics have one basic underlying theme: personal spiritual development. Every day there are thousands upon thousands of people around the world who are waking up to the knowledge, understanding and realization of who they really are, where they came from, and why they are here. This collective transformation of individuals can be described as the New Age movement. As a whole, the New Age movement is dynamic, rapidly-growing, and gaining momentum. The New Age movement provides the framework and the tools to assist people with their own personal growth and spiritual development.


The New Age movement itself is somewhat of a paradox, since to organize into some kind of "movement" could be considered to be contrary to the fundamentals of individual spiritual development. That is why there is some ambiguity to the meaning of the New Age, because it can mean different things to people. But that's okay. What is important is that each individual embarks on their own journey of learning, adventure, and discovery.


New Age and Metaphysics

The New Age is strongly related to some of the concepts defined in the branch of philosophy commonly referred to as metaphysics. Although the academic branch of metaphysics is most concerned about the nature of ultimate reality, popular metaphysical topics often include discussion and analysis of subjects beyond the physical third dimension. Some examples of metaphysical topics include: free energy, out of body experiences, UFOs, psychic phenomenon, alternative healing, and other topics that our conventional sciences find difficult to explain.


Here's an unofficial list of beliefs that some individuals in New Age may have in common:


  1. You create your own reality and destiny. This is a planet of free choice, and you have your own free will.
  2. You have certain challenges to face and overcome in this lifetime. If you don't learn your lessons this time, you'll get them again.
  3. There is no such thing as coincidence.
  4. There is more to life than meets the eye, much more.
  5. Nothing really matters in this life unless it is done for the benefit of others.
  6. We are not alone.
  7. We are multidimensional beings currently having a human experience.
  8. We are all receiving more help than we know, from angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and others.
  9. We can heal ourselves, our society, and our world.
  10. The ultimate transformation for mankind is ascension.


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