
Yoga to relieve stress - VII

4.3 The fish (matsyasana)


The matsyasana relieves neck and shoulder tension, improves circulation, stimulates the brain and expands lung capacity.


Lie on your back with your hands palms down at your sides. Your legs and feet are together. Support yourself on your elbows, but keep your forearms and hands on the floor. Breathe in, lift your torso and arch your back. The buttocks remain on the floor. Breathe out and tilt your head backwards until the crown of your head rests on the floor. Continue to use the support of your elbows while you distribute the weight equally between the crown of your head and buttocks.


Breathe regularly. When you feel comfortable, lift your arms from the floor and bring them together in front of your chest as if you are praying. Close your eyes and stay in this position for a while. Breathe regularly and feel each breath cleansing you. Come out of it as you went in: replace your elbows on the floor, lift your head, and gently uncurl your spine until you are lying on the floor again.

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