
Yoga to relieve stress - I

Yoga to relieve stress - I


A description of yoga exercises for the purpose of relieving stress. Yoga is one of the tools available to the modern human being to make a hectic lifestyle easier to cope with.


Whether you're a student, a professional, or even a child, stress is likely going to be part of your life somewhere along the line. We live in an age of worry and anxiety. This unhappy situation finds its way into our minds, feelings and bodies. Before we know it, we are victims of mental, physical and/or emotional stress.


Yoga concentrates on combining breathing with physically stretching muscles. It is about the release of negative energy and replacing it with positive energy. Not only does yoga relieve and give rest to tired muscles; it also revitalizes body and soul. It provides the body with the means to deal with daily stress.


Please be advised that, while some of the exercises below are suitable for those who never practiced yoga before, others are advanced. When so mentioned, do not try the postures unless you have practiced yoga before, or without the help of a yoga instructor. It is also a good idea to consult your physician before attempting any of the exercises.


1. The Mountain (tadasana)


The tadasana is a good posture to start any yogic exercise session. It is also the beginning posture for all standing exercises.


Stand with your feet a few inches apart, your hands by your sides and look in front of you. Inhale and exhale deeply. Be aware of your entire body.


Move your awareness from your feet to your ankles, knees and legs. Feel that they are straight and strong. Tuck your buttocks in so that your spine is completely straight. Your stomach should not bulge out or curve in, but be straight along with your spine. Concentrate on this area for a while.


Move your consciousness upwards. Relax your shoulders. Role them back and down until they are completely relaxed and straight. Let your hands hang by your sides, palms facing in. Stretch your neck up and point the crown of your head to the ceiling. Imagine that there is a string attached from the crown of your head to the ceiling. Keep facing straight forward.


You are now in the tadasana position. Breathe deeply for some time. Feel how you exhale the tensions of the day, while you inhale renewed strength and energy. Be aware of every muscle in your body. This exercise helps to focus on your body and its needs.


To be continued…. (2)

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