

- What You Say Is What You Get -

The Power Of Affirmations..

Affirmations are statements of what you want in your life.
Affirmations reflect the spiritual law of perfection everywhere now.
They are based on Spiritual Truth not your current experience of

Some people have trouble with affirmations because they feel
they are not speaking the truth when they use an affirmation. For
instance, if you are sick and you say, "I am whole, healthy, and
energized," it might feel like a lie; however, affirmations are
the facts of your current situation. They represent the experiences
you want to have in your life.

Affirmations are not a method of communication; they are a tool
of creation. If you want to tell your neighbor about the facts in
your life, do not use an affirmation. But, if you want to create a
new reality, use affirmations.

Remember, even your idle words have power. Telling your
neighbor the facts of your current problem adds energy to those
problems. If your neighbor can not help you, use the power of your
words to create what you want and not what you do not want.

Your words have more power in your life than the opinions of
your neighbors. Use your words wisely. Develop affirmations that
represent the life you would like to live. Use those affirmations on
a consistent basis. Watch your life transform to reflect the power
of your words.

An affirmation is a positive statement expressed in the present
tense. It should not contain references to what you do not want only
what you do want. For instance, suppose you have cancer and want to
be well. Your affirmation might be, " I am healthy and energetic.
All of my cells are healthy and functioning perfectly."

Notice the statement is in the present tense. It does not say I
will be healthy. It says I am healthy. Also notice the statement
does not mention cancer. It only refers to the positive condition
you are trying to create.

Learn to use the power of affirmations and your life will
reflect the new image your words express.

Marty Varnadoe Dow

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