
Yoga to Manage Vertigo

(Written by: Bijoylaxmi Hota)

Vertigo is commonly used synonymously with the fear of heights. Although heights can precipitate or cause an attack, vertigo is actually caused by a number of factors and can occur in different situations.

It refers to a sudden and extreme spinning sensation that makes one incapacitated for the duration that it lasts, which can be anything for a few seconds to several days.

During a severe attack, one is generally pinned down to bed. The sensation persists even while lying down.

Though not a serious disease, vertigo can make life extremely difficult. It can even be life threatening if it occurs while driving.

Also, it is a huge handicap for surgeons and professionals who deal with hazardous substances.

Three most common symptoms are cervical spondylitis, low blood pressure, and disturbed ear fluid.

In the first two conditions, vertigo occurs because blood flow to the brain decreases at times. In this type, the original ailment should be rectified.

The third cause lies in the labyrinth — a fluid filled chamber in the inner ears. The main function in this chamber is to control our body's balance. It's because of this mechanism that we can stand on our legs. The ear fluids get disturbed due to infection or some unknown reason.

Conventionally, vertigo is treated with anti-biotic, sedatives and anti-nausea drugs.

With medication and bed rest, the severe symptoms may disappear within a few days to a few months but they invariably reappear.

Yoga is considered extremely effective to manage vertigo. Certain asanas such as Eka-pada-pranamasana balance the ear fluid and improve the health of the labyrinth while Neti prevents ear infection and keeps the nerve of the ears in good condition.

Technique: Eka-Pada-Pranamasana

·         Stand straight with feet closed together.

·         Fold your hands, keeping them in front of the chest, in namaskar mudra.

·         Place the right foot against the left thigh, just above the knee.

·         Look straight and breathe normally — 20 times.

·         Repeat with the opposite foot.

·         By regular practice, vertigo can be cured permanently.

(Presented by: Lt Col Harish Nagpal; harinag49@yahoo.co.in; harineel76@ymail.com)

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