
The Complaint

Discipline at the Brunwald monastery was terribly strict. The law of silence forced the Brothers not to talk for 10 long years. After waiting for so long, each monk had the right to say two  words, but not one more.

It was Brother Hans' turn to meet  with the Abbot.

"Speak Brother. I am listening," the Abbot said.

"Bed... hard," the monk replied.

"I see," said his superior.

Ten years later, Brother Hans met with the Abbot again.

"And what two words would you like to  tell me?" the Abbot asked.

"Food... bad," said Brother Hans.

"I see," the Abbot sighed.

Another ten years passed and Brother Hans, kneeling once again before the Abbot, said, "I ... leave."

"Well that doesn't surprise me," the

Abbot exclaimed, "since all you do is complain all the time!"

The punch line is funny, but the question remains: why did Brother Hans  choose the life he did if he was not capable of profiting by it, if all that he was interested in were his personal comforts?

Like him, we often find ourselves complaining about things when all we  really have to do is let go  and take advantage of what the world has to offer.

"If you thank God for all the joys He has given you, you won't have any time left to complain."         Master Eckhart

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