
The Perfect Woman

I have travelled the world in search of The Perfect Woman.

After 10 years of search, I   Am determined to go home.        

My best friend asked me:         -- So? You have finally met your   Perfect woman?        

I told him         -- To the south, yes, I found the most   Beautiful woman. Her eyes were   Embers, her hair was golden and   Her body, similar to that of a goddess.        

My friend was enthusiastic:     -- Oh my Lord! You have made her your wife?    

-- Unfortunately I couldn't, She turned out  not   To be perfect, because she was very poor.         So, I explored the North and I   Met a woman who was more   Rich that all women of the earth   Combined! She did not even know    How big was her fortune!        

-- So, it was the embodiment of  Perfection, right?

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-- No, I replied. The problem   Was that it was the most ugly   Creature I have ever set my eyes on during my life time.         Finally, I fled to the east and only   there, I met a woman that was beautiful, rich and intelligent.   She truly was perfect ...        

-- Well ... Have you married her?   Asked my friend

-- No. Because unfortunately,   This woman was also searching  for “The Perfect Man”!         

When you search for perfection, you will only find Disappointment. No one and nothing is perfect in   this world. We need to be ready to search and face imperfection, and sometimes   We should be ready to renounce our demands.

We ourselves are not perfect, why should we expect perfection from others?     Better: don't we encouter perfection as soon as we stop searching?

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