
Yoga for Joint Pain

(Written by: Bijoylaxmi Hota)

Creaking and painful joints is not a natural occurrence in old age. Rather, it is a result of an incorrect lifestyle.

One can see many people in their 30's and 40's unable to take a few steps without pain while many older people enjoy pain free joints.

Joint pains can be of three types — gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The former two are the results of excessive acid in the system, while osteoarthritis is a local problem.

A high protein diet produces excessive uric acid in the body, as the end product of all protein metabolisms is this acid. When the body cannot eliminate it all, the excess accumulate in the joints, causing inflammation and accumulation of fluid leading to a condition known as gout.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the result of a weak digestive system. A sluggish intestine cannot evacuate the waste effectively, leading to putrefaction that gives rise to an acidic environment. The acidic fumes from the digestive tract get absorbed into the blood stream and find their way to the joints causing the pain.

Overuse of joints and ligaments is bound to strain and affect them adversely, osteoarthritis being the outcome.

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Conventionally, joint pains are treated with painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone. These are harmful chemicals that increase acid in the body and lead to more serious.

With an alkaline diet and right yogic practices, it is possible to free the joints of pain but improvement depends on the extent of damage.

Yoga should be taken up as a preventive to keep the system non-acidic and the joints strong and healthy.

Technique (Garud Aasna)

·         Standing on the left leg take the right leg up and wrap around the left leg.

·         Intertwine your hands and joints.

·         Keep your hands in front of your face.

·         Bending the left leg, lower yourself slowly.

·         Maintain the posture for a comfortable duration.

·         Return to the standing position.

·         Repeat thrice

(Presented by: Lt Col Harish Nagpal; harinag49@yahoo.co.in; harineel76@ymail.com)

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